Patients taking the prescription drug, Isotretinoin are required to register with iPLEDGE and complete comprehension questionnaires monthly in order to receive the medication.  On 12/13/21 a failed attempt to update the iPLEDGE site left patients, prescribers and pharmacies unable to access information required to prescribe and receive Isotretinoin.

Some improvement has been made and some patients may have received an email sent from iPLEDGE requiring they log in and make updates to their accounts.  All patients prescribed Isotretinoin who are waiting to receive their prescription are encouraged to check their email ASAP!  If you have not received the email from iPLEDGE then you must contact them directly 1-866-495-0654. VDA can not prescribe Isotretinoin to patients who have not update their iPLEDGE account!  Please do not contact our office until you have followed the directions sent to you by email or have called iPLEDGE directly.

Unfortunately, the iPLEDGE program is still not operating at full capacity and improvement has been slow so patience is important.  Everyone at VDA echoes your frustration and we’re working hard on our end to do our part.

This is the email sent to patients:



The email link will direct you to a screen with this information:



Once you’ve successfully logged in you’ll be directed to this screen:



If you have not received the email, please go to and click the link to get started: